How to conduct relevant topic research

When you are researching the topic that makes up the main content of your website, it is important to have relevant information that would be helpful to the consumer. When someone clicks on a site that deals with a topic that they are not completely understanding of, it would be really helpful to have some information to help them learn more about it. A lot of times people will click on a site and if they do not immediately find what they are looking for, they will just click off the site and find one that they think is better. An alternative to this is having good information at the beginning of your site or having it show up on the search engine page. Another common thing that will happen is a developer will put information that might make sense to them, but it is not in terms that someone who does not know much about the topic can understand. Having information that makes sense to the consumer is very important in getting them to stay on the site and interact with it. Something that could be helpful even if you do not have a good source of information on the front end of the site is having an easily navigable site that the user can get through quickly to determine whether it will be helpful or not.

In my personal experiences, I will frequently click off of a site if I do not find it to be helpful within the first very short amount of time that I am on it. If more sites were easier to navigate it would remedy this problem a little bit, just because you would not have to go searching across the site for the information you want. There are certain sites that I know will give me accurate and easily accessible information, so I try to stick to those sites if they come up when I am conducting a search.

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4 Responses

  1. hoviscc22 says:

    Having relevant, and helpful content will not only be helpful to your users but to your ranking as well. The better and more relevant content you have, the more authoritative the search engine will deem your site. This will increase the traffic and visibility of your site. In the end, it is very important to have relevant and original content for your users.

  2. says:

    Very interesting post Cayden! I enjoyed reading more about relevant topic research. If I search for something and don’t find the information right away when opening a site I will lose interest and leave instantly. It is very important to configure your website to answer the customers question instantly.

  3. coughlinjd20 says:

    This is a great post. Relevant topic research is extremely important because it improves the credibility, uniqueness in the research, and helps improve the overall quality of content, which ensures validity.

  4. nuzumrk22 says:

    Really good post! I liked how you pointed out that one must not use industry jargon right at the beginning of the post because it can steer users away from the site. Being clear and concise is so important.

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