Why your brand name matters in SEO

When you think of SEO, you probably think of backlinks, keywords, alt text, etc. Neil Patel says you probably don’t think about your brand name.

In his article titled “Why Your Brand Name is the Best SEO Hack You’ve Got (And What that Means for Your Bottom Line),” Patel highlights how your brand name can actually seriously affect your ranking in the SERP.

How does brand name affect your position in the SERP?

Think of your brand name as another piece of content on your page. The more that your brand name aligns with the keywords your site is targeting, the more likely it is that it will appear more highly in the SERP.

How should you name your brand?

  1. Make your brand name unique.
    You really don’t want your brand name to sound like a ton of other sites, or you’ll be competing with them for rank and recognition. You also really don’t want your brand to appear like a spammy site that’s just trying to copy others.
  2. Make your brand name memorable.
    Having a memorable name will help it to stick into the minds of the consumer. Have a URL that isn’t a challenge to write out. This will improve your rank as people will be able to search for you and find you better, and Google will see you as more relevant because of it.
  3. Check your Brand name for Search Juice.
    Choose a name that people are actually searching for on Google. You want the name to tie clearly to your Keywords, and you want it to be something that people are going to use when searching for you.

    Using these 3 tips, you’ll be able to name your brand more effectively so that you won’t be getting lost in the SERP anymore!

Check out Neil Patel’s article for more about how to use Ubersuggest and other tools to choose a good brand name.

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3 Responses

  1. Ryne Talko says:

    I have always wondered if a name was actually important or not, especially today with Google being the power house that it is. Loved the 3 tips also, especially the last one about search juice

  2. crowleymt21 says:

    This is really fascinating. A good brand name is definitely valuable SEO-wise, especially if it aligns with your product/service, as you said. A good brand name can definitely help you stand out, too.

  3. nakhlacn17 says:

    Probably one of the best investments anyone can make (either of their time, or paying an expert consultant to help them) is on branding–especially the brand name. Literally everything starts with that, and if you throw it together without planning you will most likely suffer later.

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