How to get Featured Snippets from Google

Featured Snippets can become a major advantage if you know how to implement them, but also a major disadvantage if you cannot when your competitors can. So the question is: How do you get Featured Snippets?

First try and create new content Google will recognize it and pick it up in the algorithm. Specifically make content for featured snippets also so that Google sees it as an actual snippet.

Keep track of what snippets you make. Do this by keeping track of your key words and make them organic as well to keep it all the same.

It is possible to opt out and opt in to featured snippets. The clear choice is to opt in to them, keep in mind the H1 tag plays a super important role into what Google algorithm sees.

Google’s Featured Snippets: All You Need to Know to Get Them (

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5 Responses

  1. coughlinjd20 says:

    This is a very useful post. I like that you mentioned the importance of monitoring and reining your website analytics. This will help ensure whether your website is getting featured snippets and if it isn’t then you can modify the content.

  2. welkersg21 says:

    This is a very helpful post. Thanks for giving the step by step on how to implement this great tool.

  3. krausda21 says:

    Featured snippets are something that I have enjoyed learning about and I think are super beneficial from Google Creating a new account is definitely a great way to get featured snippets thanks for this post.

  4. jonesew22 says:

    Great tips for capturing featured snippets! Creating targeted content and optimizing it for snippets is key. Monitoring keywords and opting in to snippets can give you a competitive advantage. Don’t forget the H1 tag’s role in signaling relevance to search engines. Keep up the good work and watch your visibility soar!

  5. stewarttk20 says:

    overall amazing post with really interesting content i also like that it was straight to the point and a fairly short read.

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