Google Analytics Guide

Google Analytics is an analytics platform for tracking website or app performance. If you have a website for your business, you should set up a Google Analytics account as soon as possible to track your performance. You can get some really deep and useful insights that could greatly improve your business.

Data Collection

The first element of GA is data collection. This platform gathers a broad range of data on how your website performs and is able to show it to you in a simple and visually appealing way. Thing such as how many visitors your pages get, where your visitors come from, and what your visitors do on your pages are provided through GA.

Types of Hits

Google Analytics tracks 3 types of hits, which means any time a user performs a certain action. Here are descriptions for each type of hit, as SEMrush explains them:

  1. Pageview Hit — A hit that is sent each time someone visits one of your pages. It contains information like what device and browser visitors are using. You can also find out which of your pages they visit.
  2. Event Hit — A hit sent when a visitor does something on your site. They might, for instance, fill in a form, click a link or play a video.
  3. Transaction/Ecommerce Hit — A hit sent when a site visitor buys something. Information such as which pages the visitor went to before buying can be contained in these hits. More straightforward insights, such as which products they bought or how much they spent, are also provided.

Why Do You Need Google Analytics?

The information provided above is just the start of the type of information GA can track for your site. GA is extremely useful to get analytics for marketing. The insights provided can be vital to marketing your business. Things like how much traffic is driven to your site form different marketing channels, and which website pages are the most successful for driving traffic can be found out with GA. GA can also improve overall site performance. By tracking your analytics, you will be able to see which of your website pages get the most traffic, which drive conversion, and so on. This goes along with improving your SEO efforts. By using Google Analytics, you will be more efficient in seeing what current SEO efforts are working, and what pages are doing poorly, so that you can improve them.

As we can see, Google Analytics is a powerful tool when it comes to website or app performance for a business. All business owners should utilize all its features to get the best conversions for whatever their business goals are. As time goes on, Google Analytics provides more and more data that we are lucky to be able to utilize for free in most cases.


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4 Responses

  1. coughlinjd20 says:

    This post is super relevant! I like how you drew the connection between google analytics and how it contributes to developing a more efficient marketing strategy.

  2. krausda21 says:

    Great post Mia! The pageview hit, event hit, and transaction hit are such great examples of data collection and why thats important. Google analytics is very important!

  3. rossiel21 says:

    This is a very helpful post with some very thorough information.

  4. jonesew22 says:

    Love this! Google Analytics is a must-have for businesses. It provides valuable insights on website performance, user behavior, and marketing effectiveness. By utilizing GA, businesses can optimize their strategies, improve site performance, and boost SEO efforts. It’s a powerful tool that offers incredible value for free. Thanks for sharing the importance of Google Analytics!

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