Will Artificial Intelligence Transform Religion?

The introduction of Artificial Intelligence is something that cannot be prevented or studied beforehand. As humans, we have very little choice about why the introduction of AI could lead to severe problems such as education, jobs, healthcare, and overall human safety. However, we are called to be in culture and deal with Artificial Intelligence to the best our human abilities. We need to know and understand the power of artificial intelligence and treat is as another tool of technology. What we should not do however, is treat it as a human or any higher power. For example, AI is not created imago dei, and while it is very intelligent and interconnected into our society, it does not have all the answers to life.

Some churches have already incorporated AI into their education by using robots to preach the sermon on Sundays. These robots are programmed to send the message of God by linking common themes and messages in the their religion. In the budhist temple they replaced a statue with Mindar, a robot that is able to speak, give advice and listen to questions. While some people had the opinion that having a robot talk about faith is a bit sacrilegious, others were completely sold and even thought that Mindar has a soul based on how smart she is.

I would really encourage people to watch this video and see how Artificial Intelligence can be seen as idol, where humans are treating robots as God. This is very alarming because Artificial Intelligence is part of creation and is definitely not the creator. We cannot get these confused and keep our hearts focused on the real answer, God.

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7 Responses

  1. AMealy says:

    That is shocking. I’m surprised that churches would consider AI-generated sermons acceptable for the pulpit, especially considering how important tradition tends to be in the Church.

  2. welkersg21 says:

    Wow this is really concerning. I can’t believe that these churches don’t see any issue with AI-generated sermons. I agree that this seems like technology is serving as an idol in these churches.

  3. nuzumrk22 says:

    Wow this is really deep. I didn’t know we’d “advanced” this far technologically that we have robots that do such things. And yes, this is very concerning especially as we begin to treat these machines as people. Thanks for bringing this up.

  4. guidajt22 says:

    Leaves me in deep awe that this is the advanced technology and artificial intelligence into religion. There is no way this upholds justice when it comes to religion.

  5. rossiel21 says:

    This is very interesting and concerning. It is unfortunate to see the way that technology is being manipulated in churches.

  6. nakhlacn17 says:

    Something I have thought a lot about lately related to this topic is something Dr. Powell told us in Consumer Behavior: “Be careful that you are not outsourcing your thinking.” AI is a great tool but when we allow it to do too much for us–with the AI-generated sermon being an extreme example–red flags should be going up. Very interesting article… and scary that there are people of faith out there who don’t see any problem with that.

  7. jonesew22 says:

    I love this thank you for sharing it is really insightful and I am appreciative to have read it. AI is very cool and I love the attack you place on it.

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