SEO Review

As the semester comes to and end,I thought it would be a good to review some of the basics that we learned at the beginning of the semester that are still essential.

The first point being how search engines work. Google specifically sends out crawlers to follow hyperlinks on the web to discover new content. Crawling is a very important part of SEO because it is how Google and other search engines find relevant content on a website, PDF, or and image.

The second piece of information that is important to review is how to get your website on Google. The first step in helping Google find your website is to find you website XML sitemap. An XML sitemap is a file that lists all of the important pages on your website. It gives the crawlers a direction. The second step in. helping Googling find your site is submitting you sitemap to Google Search Console.

A third point that is important to keep in mind when reviewing the basics os SEO is that content is king. If you want to rank well on Google it is essential that you create high-quality content that people want to read and are interested in. If people cannot find what they are looking for on your website then they will not spend a lot of time on your site.

These are just three of the basic concepts of SEO that are important to remember as class comes to an end.

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5 Responses

  1. krausda21 says:

    Sarah, great post here and I think you did an excellent job explaining SEO and the importance that it holds for ranking well.

  2. rossiel21 says:

    Great post! Very informative and insightful. These are very helpful takeaways.

  3. kuechlycj22 says:

    Good post! This could probably be repurposed for someone who may be just getting into the SEO world and is wondering what more they could learn about.

  4. crowleymt21 says:

    Thanks for this great review, Sarah. It’s great to know all the advanced stuff but without these basics most of the advanced stuff isn’t worth much…

    I also really love that you said “high quality content” and not just “content.” “Content” won’t necessarily positively impact SEO and can often actually hurt it if your content is bad or mediocre. “High quality content,” on the other hand, can be a goldmine SEO-wise.

  5. hallerer20 says:

    You’ve done a great job of summarizing the basics of what we have learned in this class the past semester!

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