Creating Content for Content’s Sake…

Creating content for content’s sake can be a huge pitfall of effective SEO. I’ve touched on content and its importance in some of my other posts. See, bad content on a website can end up negatively impacting SEO. Bad content means people clicking away. It also can mean less clicks overall.

Unfortunately, there is a myth that more content is better. Here’s the problem: bad content can often be worse than no content at all. If you go into creating or maintaining a website with the idea that you need to create as much content as possible, chances are you’re going to create some good content and a lot of bad content. That bad content will end up bringing down the good content and wreaking havoc with your website’s SEO.

More content is better! The catch? So long as it is quality content.

So… don’t fall into the trap of rapidly churning out mediocre content. Instead, focus on creating quality content and optimizing its SEO. You’ll find it to be a far more effective strategy.

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