Curating Information

One misconception is that all content on a website needs to be original. This is simply not the case. Instead, curating content can also be very effective and when done correctly can achieve great results.

Often when scouring the web, people are not looking for iotas of random information, something the web is pretty good at providing. Instead, they are looking for information suited to their query. Instead of having to visit several websites to glean the information they want, one website with properly curated information can be a great solution.

A website with curated information can be very effective SEO-wise because it often aligns closely with what a person is searching for and can be a fantastic resource of information for them.

Of course, it is always important to give credit where credit is due and to ask for permission before using others’ work.

That said, if you can get permission and give credit, a page or website curating information that would be otherwise scattered across the web can be very effective SEO-wise.

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One Response

  1. McGuirejs20 says:

    This is a great blog, original content does not need to be the only source of content on the page. It is important to use any type of content that can optimize and help your page stand out.

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