Domain Names

Domain names, while not explicitly part of SEO, can be valuable in helping both users and SE robots find our website. Creating a domain name that is both unique and memorable can lead users to your site and can help others recommend your site via word of mouth. Furthermore, using a sub-domain can prove useful for marketing and is sometimes even required. Due to the increased creativity and freedom you have over sub-domains it is important to maximize their power for SEO.

To help users find your site, your domain name should be 1) short, 2) easy to spell, and 3) easy to say. This will make finding your website as easy as possible for your users while creating the least among of confusion possible. Users will be able to talk about your site, and then those listening will be able to go back home, remember the domain name, and be able to spell it for Google. This drives more leads and ultimately traffic to your site.

While it is getting more difficult to stick to these rules as the number of domain names increases, it is still possible using these tactics. First, you can use your brand or business name. Before you even launch your brand or business, it is important to claim this domain name, which already should be unique if it is based on your brand or business name. Most domains are relatively inexpensive to purchase, so if the brand or business doesn’t work out the losses are not big, especially compared to the potential gain of creating a domain that drives traffic to your site.  Second, you can use your personal name. This was recommended both by Sweet and in the video I watched. Once again, this should already be unique, especially if you use a variation or incorporate a keyword. Thirdly, if possible, use localized keywords. For example, if you are running a site near Pittsburgh, you can try to incorporate “Yinz” as this should be relatively unique and not as widely used. Finally, using new domain extensions often provides uniqueness to your domain name. They have not been on the market for long, so the chance of it already being taken is lower. Furthermore, the extension can help provide context to your site. For example, if you are using a .design extension, users know to expect a site around design. While it may be more difficult to create unique domain names, it is certainly not impossible if you employ these tactics.

At the end of the day, it is important to create unique domain names that are short, easy to spell and easy to say. This can be accomplished by using your brand or business name, using your personal name, using localized keywords, or using new domain extensions. Using these tactics will help to drive users to your site, even though the direct impact on SEO is low.

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One Response

  1. FrenchJA21 says:

    Domains are super important for branding and for authority for your brand. Definitely worth giving plenty of attention to.

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