Linkbait Pages

Though the name might sound like something you should avoid, there can be multiple positive aspects of linkbait pages.

Basically, a linkbait page is a page on your website designed in a way that other websites will want to link to it. This can be a very valuable source of inbound links for your website.

Of course, in order to be effective, a linkbait page needs to have content that is worth linking to. A linkbait page without quality content is really no linkbait page at all. Examples of good content include unique pictures, specialty calculators, curated information, etc.

Essentially, linkbait pages should bring something to the table that is either unique or done better than other websites that others would consider valuable enough to link to. This can be a very effective SEO tactic for your website.

So, in spite of their dodgy sounding name, linkbait pages can be a great way to attract inbound links to your website!

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3 Responses

  1. BlendermannKJ20 says:

    I wonder if a linkbait page can be any page on your website, or whether there are certain characteristics that would make a good linkbait page. Like whether written content would work, or if it should be more image-focused. As long as it’s unique, it would probably work! Great post!

  2. says:

    This is very helpful! I think it is important to have link bait pages to insure that you have success with your website.

  3. mapesam20 says:

    Link bait pages can provide such great value to your page and really help you to develop your off-site optimization. I also like how you point out that the first step is having great quality content, as this is the first step for any SEO strategy.

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