The Three “C”s of SEO

I ran across an interesting article discussing the three “C”s of SEO; Content, Code, and Credibility.

These three things certainly make sense. Without quality content, there is little incentive to actually visit a page. From a link-earning perspective, weak content is not going to get linked to very much, either. And, weak content is going to lead to a high bounce rate, too. All of these things negatively impact the SEO of a page.

Code-wise, that was outside the scope of this course so I won’t cover that here in in technical language. That said, there are a plethora of plugins and whatnot that can help to optimize the “code” of your website.

Credibility-wise, great content influences credibility. Of course, links can also influence credibility (an inbound link from a .edu, for example, is a really valuable thing. Links to your social media can also help with credibility.

Overall, if you make sure you cover these three “C”s of SEO, you’ll definitely be off to a great start!

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2 Responses

  1. talkorf19 says:

    Great way to make it interesting and simple way to remember it as well. Loved the content aspect because you need good content on your website to make it interesting and enjoyable for people. The same also has to be the same in the background with good efficient code. No good code= inefficient website.
    And of course credibility applies to everything in life.

  2. hallerer20 says:

    This is so helpful for remembering simple ways of improving your SEO, great post!

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