Why Are URLs Important in SEO?

Among all the other SEO tactics to use, URLs are another asset to add to your toolbelt of SEO tricks. URLs specify a resource or website’s location on the internet and can help your search engine optimization ranking, here’s how:


Just like regular backlinks, utilizing your website’s URL and domain is a simple way to categorize your content to make it easier for other websites and content creators to link to your site. A memorable and descriptive URL makes it easy to be copied to other sites and can increase your site’s authority and search engine ranking.

User Experience

A unique URL sticks in a user’s mind and gives an easy-to-understand method for users to know what your site is about. You want to ensure that your URL is descriptive and accurate to your site so users can quickly find your content and improve their overall experience on your website.


URLs are another method that search engines use to determine the relevancy of your website to a user’s search query. The more accurate your URL is, the more likely the search engine will pick it up and show it to the user.

In order to maximize the usage of a good quality URL on your website, ensure that you use relevant keywords and show the uniqueness of your brand. Think of it as a short phrase that describes what your content or website is about. Choose a “.com” top level domain if you can because it’s the most memorable and make it easy to type, write, and remember. With these tips, you can create a short and sweet URL that users will remember.

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2 Responses

  1. kuechlycj22 says:

    I couldn’t agree more with the importance of URLs for SEO. They not only make it easier for users to find and remember your website but also help search engines determine its relevancy. Choosing a descriptive and unique URL is definitely worth the effort.

  2. crowleymt21 says:

    You make a really great point about using unique URLs. They can stick in people’s heads and be a very effective advertising tool all on their own. I can think of several URLs that have been beat into my head over the years through hearing them in commercials. It can be very effective for sure!

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