Compounding SEO and Returning Investments

As SEO becomes a better understood subject, many organizations have realized that content that they produced even a year ago not only accomplished their goal of driving web traffic, but have made compound interest over time. As your website builds up authority, Google will keep track of what sites your users visit, and begin to refer your site to other users with similar browsing profiles. As a result, your content will become more authoritative, and thus reach a larger audience.

So how do you take advantage of this? The first aspect worth working on here is the content itself. Instead of simply getting the job done, it is more beneficial to put in both production and interesting content to help catch the attention of your audience. This like a periodical, where the next post will overshadow it within a week. Each of your additions has the potential to continue to be referenced years down the line. The second part is keyword usage. Google will be able to recommend your site better if you make your keyword list both extensive and accurate. While this isn’t necessary, Google can use your user’s search patterns exclusively, it will give you a boost.

Ultimately, this trend is relatively new, and where it goes isn’t set in stone. But, many large SEO corporations are watching this trend closely, and that gives it some promising prospects.

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One Response

  1. talkorf19 says:

    The thing i agree completely with is the content itself part. creating great content should be thought provoking and simple at the same time. How can it reach your audience attention and also keep it at the same time. Also google monitoring everything will make personalized ads extremely interesting for each individual.

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