Make your website stand out

Custom URLs can have a significant impact on a website’s search engine rankings in the world of search engine optimization. Custom URLs are unique web addresses customized to a brand or business, making them easy for users to remember and search for. Custom URLs can improve user experience, optimize for keywords, increase click-through rates, improve link sharing, and establish brand identity, all of which can impact SEO efforts. Custom URLs are user-friendly, memorable, and can include relevant keywords to improve a website’s relevance for specific search terms. They can also increase click-through rates by making website links more visually appealing in search results, leading to more direct traffic and improved rankings. Custom URLs are more shareable on social media and establish brand recognition and authority. Custom URLs are an often overlooked element of SEO that can help businesses stand out from the competition and improve their SEO strategy.

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2 Responses

  1. mapesam20 says:

    Custom URLs can be so beneficial. It is such a great SEO tool because of how customizable they are and how much creativity you have with them.

  2. schubertjs17 says:

    I agree Custom Url’s really add to the personal/ human feel of the website

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