Making my first domain

Just wanted to talk about my experience with buying my first domain for Scootie. Unfortunately, the domain was one of the last things I thought of. So by the time I searched for it, it was already taken. It was up for auction for $800 if I remember correctly. So moving forward I will always check the domain availability before choosing the business name. Now luckily while I was figuring this out, I was at Praxis Academy. And during one of the events I met a guy who owns a business coaching company. After telling him my situation he gave me the idea of adding a small word to the name that goes along with the ethos of the company. And very quickly I came up with “ridescootie”. And luckily it was available in .com. So now that’s my domain that I pay $12 a year for through Google Domains. I then pay an additional $6 a month for my own personal email “”. Once you own a domain so many tools are opened up to you. Such as being able to link it to any website maker for free. So that it becomes the domain of your website. Which allowed me to create I will now take what I learned from this class and apply it to my website to help improve it.

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3 Responses

  1. says:

    This is a great story! I remember buying my first domain and it was hard to figure out but once i did, I owned it !

  2. mapesam20 says:

    It was really interesting to hear about your experience. This is such a great lesson- I’m sorry you had to learn it the hard way, but very happy it turned out okay in the end.

  3. schubertjs17 says:

    Thank’s for sharing, i am looking at purchasing my own domain and i remember us talking about it in class. It’s nice to see hear a real life example.

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