7 Important Elements of Quality Web Design

First Element: Solid Navigation

  • Users want to be able to access your information quick and easily
  • Want to keep leads, then make it easy for your audience to navigate through your content

Second Element: Responsive Design

  • With the growing of mobile devices, responsive design is the most important
  • Audience will access your content from a multitude of devices, ensure that everyone has a positive experience

Third Element: Style Guide

  • Style guides will help you keep a consistent brand image on your website
  • You decide the color, format, and typography for every page on your website
  • Whenever someone adds an element to your site, it adds consistency with other pages

Fourth Element: Purposeful Visuals

  • Customers are 10x more likely to interact with a video than text
  • Great to add visuals, but don’t go overboard with it

Fifth Element: Good Copy

  • Important when including information to your site, write quality copy
  • Writing good copy keeps audiences engaged with your page longer

Sixth Element: Call to Action Buttons

  • Want to guide users to converting
  • It’s important when trying to get audience to convert
  • A well-designed CTA button will more likely get your audience to take the next step

Seventh Element: Page Speed

  • Make sure that your page loads quickly
  • If it takes to long to load, then your audience will lose interest very quickly

Why Is Web Design Important? | 6 Reasons to Invest (webfx.com)

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One Response

  1. hallerer20 says:

    I really enjoyed reading this! This topic is super interesting and something that definitely goes hand in hand with SEO, and you’ve done a great job of laying it out.

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