Finding Your Search Persona

To target the right user, you first have to create the perfect user. Develop a description of who you are targeting. You need your searcher to have important and relevant information like demographics, location, type of role they play in a company, their pain, and most importantly, why they are searching. By following this layout, you’ll be able to outline your perfect target.

Pain: Develop a list of ideas that describe the pain of your target users. What problems are they trying to solve through search?

Gain: Develop a list of ideas that describe what your target users are trying to gain.  What positive results are they looking for regarding search?

Questions: Develop a minimum of 10 questions your user is typically asking. What kinds of questions do they ask relative to your business?

Statements: Develop a minimum of 10 statements your user is typically making. What kinds of statements do they make relative to your business?

Keywords:  What keywords and phrases are suggested by the questions and statements?  Brainstorm a list of keywords and phrases.  This is not a list of final choices, but is designed to get you moving in the right direction. 

­­­­­Content: What type of content is suggested by the information you’ve put together so far?  Make a preliminary list of categories of content or sample page/post titles which speak directly to their pain and/or questions.

With this list, you should be able to target your user easily!

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3 Responses

  1. schubertjs17 says:

    Nailing down an audience sounds very important for content and targeting I like how you have clearly outlined these steps.

  2. hallerer20 says:

    this is all so important when finding your target user, and i liked how you layed out each step clearly

  3. Ruthie Cooley says:

    I really liked that first sentence in describing the point of a search persona. The perfect person is a means to the real people.

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