How to use ChatGPT in SEO

Obvisouly everyone knows about ChatGPT and the uses behind it seem endless. But what about ChatGPT for SEO?

Here are a few tips to utilize ChatGPT for your website

  1. Use ChatGPT to help you find word and word phrases. Or search for phrases that are similiar or would be in a given context EX: who, what, where, when, why
  2. ChatGPT can help you write code for you and even for an app. It can even perform basic python programming as well.
  3. Whip up some click worthy titles. Rather than wasting writing it yourself, ChatGPT can analyze trends for you and write the headline that would work best for your content to gain traction.

These are just some of the few things that ChatGPT can do to help optimize your website.

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4 Responses

  1. hallerer20 says:

    this was a very interesting read on using new technology advancement in SEO practices. especially since i’ve heard some negative comments about chatgpt lately, it’s cool to read about some benefits.

  2. warrickcb20 says:

    ChatGPT is on the forefront of the automation/business world and these are great ways to utilize it in helping you with the sometimes tedious repetitive job of SEO. Yes, code written by ChatGPT is so beneficial. Not perfect but it gets you pretty close to perfect.

  3. stewarttk20 says:

    i kind of love that you actually wrote a pot about chatgpt i love that it is now entering the conversation openly

  4. Ruthie Cooley says:

    This is so interesting! I have been experimenting with what ChatGPT is allowed and not allowed to do as well. To the creative aspect, it sometimes produces unbelievably pithy lines, and sometimes I cannot get anything Hallmark would not laugh at. I am interested in seeing how it develops.

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