What does it look like to get specific keywords to rank for?

Firstly, you need to make sure you have a search persona. If you don’t have one, go back to my last post to create one!

Next, lets walk through the process of narrowing your keyword searches.

  1. What are some potential keyword searches related to your topic?
  2. Once you have developed an initial list of keywords & phrases, use keyword research tools to establish search volumes (average by month) and to discover new keywords and phrases.  Develop a list that includes searches which you believe represent some realistic options for capturing search traffic. 
  3. Conduct a search for each of these terms in Google and record the TOP 5 organic search competitors who are ranking for this term. This would be the top 5 Organic Competitors who currently rank for this keyword or phrase. 
  4. Click through to each landing page of these SERP results and note the theme of the content on the page.
  5. Translate the keyword into both a statement and a question which expresses the INTENT of the keyword search (i.e., what do you think the user is looking for?).
  6. Articulate a content theme which you believe will directly satisfy the user intent of this search term.  Suggesting an H1 tag for the page would also be useful here. Make sure to translate this as a statement and a question.

Following this list will be super helpful with narrowing down what keywords you could easily rank for.

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One Response

  1. Ruthie Cooley says:

    This is so straightforward! Thank you!

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