Hey Siri, How Do I Optimize My Website for Voice Search?

You know how you can talk to your phone or smart speaker and it magically finds what you’re looking for? That’s voice search, and it’s getting more popular by the day. In fact, by 2022, over half of all household are expected to have smart speaker devices, This means if you want your website to be found, you need to start thinking about optimizing for voice search.

Unlike traditional SEO, voice search requires a different approach because people talk differently than they type. They use longer, more conversational phrases. For example, instead of typing “best pizza near me,” they might say, “Hey Siri, where’s the best pizza within 5 miles?”

So, how do you optimize for voice search? Here are some tips:

1. Use Natural Language:

Write your website content in a natural conversational tone. Use phrases that people are likely to say out loud, not just short choppy keywords.

2. Give Direct Answers:

Voice searchers want quick, direct answers to their questions. Make sure your content provides clear and concise answers to common questions related to your business or industry.

3. Be Local:

People often use voice search to find businesses or services nearby. Include your location and other relevant information to optimize for local search.

4. Be Fast

People expect quick answers from voice search, so make sure your website loads quickly on both desktop and mobile devices.

5. Use Structured Data:

Structured data helps search engines understand your website content better. Use structured data to provide more detailed information to search engines about your content, making it easier for them to provide relevant answers to voice search queries.

By optimizing your website for voice search, you can reach more people and improve your search rankings. As more and more people adopt smart speaker devices, voice search is only going to become more important for SEO. So, start optimizing your website today to stay ahead of the game.


  1. “Hey Siri, How Do I Optimize My Website for Voice Search?” by Neil Patel
  2. “The Rise of Voice Search: Why Your Website Needs to Be Ready” by Hubspot
  3. “Speak Up: How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search SEO” by Search Engine Journal
  4. “The Future of SEO: Voice Search and Your Website” by Forbes
  5. “The Conversation Shift: Adapting Your SEO Strategy for Voice Search” by Moz
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One Response

  1. Ruthie Cooley says:

    Structured data is such a good tool to keep in mind!

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