404 Pages – Humor Matters

There are so many reasons to love 404 Error pages. They are secret avenues to winning a consumer’s heart. 404 Error pages show how a company has chosen to handle a completely blank space. It shows personality… or the lack thereof. While a serious 404 Error page may get users back on track quickly, it does not improve brand image or customer loyalty like a humorous one does. Humor is a way people bond, and not just with other people. I will always remember and appreciate the Amazon puppy page because it made me laugh and feel happy. And I hate my amazon shopping tendencies a little bit less for it. A customer perusing through the pages of website is getting to know a company like one person gets to know the other on a first date. But wait! – the worst has happened! A page isn’t working! The website is not website-ing, and my date just spilled coffee on himself! Welp – that can be awkward. But you can either try to redirect and make the whole thing forgettable, or you can make a joke about it and have a great time anyway. I much prefer the latter.

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