SEO for Etsy Sellers

Etsy, an online marketplace that specializes in handmade, personalized products, has its own set of rules when it comes to search engine optimization. In order to prioritize their products in search results, sellers should know how Etsy determines search rank, and adjust their product listings accordingly.

The first step is to identify what makes your product stand out from other products. With this in mind, you can begin to write down a list of keywords that emphasize the unique features of your product, being careful to match the wording used by potential customers in the Etsy search. These keywords can then be used in the product title, description, and tags.

Below is a list of fundamental elements that should be included in your Etsy listings:

  • tags, title, description with keywords
  • high-quality photos
  • good reviews
  • low/free shipping price
  • resolve language/translation issues

After optimizing your product listings, you can also include keywords in your shop page. Start by showcasing the unique value of your shop with a shop title and description. You can also include keywords in your shop policies section.


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2 Responses

  1. OswaldCM says:

    I like how you mentioned the idea of using words that the customer would use. Sometimes we forget to do that and then use keywords that we think the algorithm is going to want. I also agree with you on pushing your product placement with these keywords, but you need to also make to post look good, because it takes nothing for a person to pass over your listing if they don’t like the way it looks. And when a person clicks on your listing it is also important to incentivize the purchase by giving the illusion of a better deal with free shipping and marked prices. This will encourage customers to buy as well, and those increased sales will also drive more traffic due to the algorithm.

  2. GleasonMK21 says:

    I think this information is very good to know. I have considered opening my own Esty shop one day for some of my side hobby’s and reading this has given me the knowledge that I would need to know to better my Esty store. I think that the word play factor is something very important that shop owners need to pay attention to because you want to make sure that you are getting the customers that will love your product.

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