LiveChat is amazing! Why is it not talked about more?

How American colleges are using LiveChat to it’s best ability

LiveChat is an SEO tool and website device that is seen primarily on college websites, including Grove City College. LiveChat appears on Grove City College’s website as a help tool for anyone who may have a question about the college. During working hours student workers in the Admissions Office are required to monitor the chat and answer any questions or direct people to the section of the site they are looking for. The great thing about LiveChat is the function of saving responses in the archives that are frequently asked. For example, what the cost of tuition is, or how the chapel program works. Student workers and administrators can craft responses to questions that are frequently asked and save them on the site for the students to use while on LiveChat. All the student worker has to do is to type a Hashtag sign and whatever topic they would like the response qued up for example #chapel. Then the chapel information comes up and from there you can add or delete extra information depending on the question’s wants. I am a student worker and have been using LiveChat for a while and I never thought of how optimized it is for Grove City College’s needs. LiveChat functions best with keyword use and this is one of the biggest steps in achieving SEO for your targeted market. Otherwise known as finding and knowing your audience. From experience, the college admissions process is very stressful and the LiveChat function helped me a lot. The other schools I looked at did not utilize LiveChat. I was not able to research the school before I toured it to know if the college was even worth touring and had the values I was looking for in a school. If these schools had LiveChat prospective students or parents could ask questions before touring the schools. LiveChat taps into the aesthetic and function of websites. I can see larger companies using LiveChat like IKEA, Nike, IBM, etc. for customers to ask the big questions before purchasing or thinking about purchasing from one of these brands. Although LiveChat isn’t marketed as an SEO company it utilizes the keyword function for all its customers to find the answers they need in a timely fashion.

Click the link below to see how LiveChat’s help function works.

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3 Responses

  1. alexanderrj22 says:

    That’s so interesting that other schools don’t utilize live chat techniques. I remember when I was applying to Grove City and I had so many unanswered questions, and it was truly so helpful that there was a specialized chat just for my questions. I was able to seek out answers and get them almost instantly from knowledgeable people at the school. I see that those keywords for answers kind of are handled the same way that SEO is studied and used.

    • higginsmr20 says:

      This was really interesting! Live chat definitely has its pros and cons, I would be surprised if it did not continue to grow at a fast rate.

  2. casteelkj20 says:

    I hadn’t thought of LiveChat as an SEO but I could understand why LiveChat may fit into that category. I have been at the customer end of LiveChat and part of me thought it was always a robot so it’s interesting to hear about it from someone on the other end. It’s neat that it keeps previous questions and answers in the database for ease of use and quick response.

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