#1 SEO is an insanely valuable business

Due to the massive increase in machine learning (AI) technology, SEO is vital to the success of any online business. Simple advertising work and other marketing is no longer sufficient to get a competitive amount of traffic through a website or online shop. This means that hiring a professional SEO consultant can cost several thousand dollars a month for even just a small business, so learning how to do an amount of optimization work as a business owner can potentially save hassle and money, because even if you still need to hire a professional to take care of advanced parts, the rest of the job would be simpler and quicker for them because you already did so much.

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One Response

  1. gardnerer23 says:

    I like how you emphasized the importance of using AI to succeed as an online business! I think AI can make many business processes more efficient, but especially the process of SEO.

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