Want a tip to being noticed by Google?

E-A-T is a system within Google’s algorithm by which they evaluate the credibility of a source. It stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. This concept was published by Google in 2013. Google looks into web pages to locate credentials, reviews, accuracy, authors, and other things to determine their trustworthiness.

Google judges sites based on these three characteristics: expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness to give users the most credible source. They evaluate each of these characteristics independently. This can affect how high the link appears and is ranked in a Google search.

This system is helpful always but most essential when searching for specific information or details. This is useful especially when searching on certain topics in areas of physical/mental health, food, finances, navigation, and even such things as history, religion, and other information. When issues or questions in these areas come up, the user relies on the search engine to provide reliable and accurate information. Inaccurate information can cause major problems if the searcher places trust in that source. 

Oftentimes the searcher isn’t checking the credibility of the source themselves, therefore, E-A-T is extremely beneficial to our new world of search. It is something Google is doing to truly help people. This system also improves Google’s reputation as a reliable search engine.

When creating or enhancing a website it can be helpful to keep this system in mind and understand how Google analyses websites. It is important to create good quality content rather than a large amount of it. Mentioning credentials on your website and things like that help relay your credibility.

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One Response

  1. mlwiley says:

    Google’s E-A-T is a great tool that becomes very useful when trying to weed out sources that may not be credible or that may be potential spam. This helps both content creators and people who are searching for a trustworthy site! I like that sites rank higher the more based on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

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