How can SEO be combined with AI?

Through my study of AI, I have realized that there is so much more that can added onto SEO and that is AI. AI, as we all know, is being constantly revolutionized to fit our needs as humans and one of those needs is our thirst for a better way to present content in an effective and efficient way to millions of people online. AI has been constantly progressed to help us understand, process, and structure data. By analyzing tons of data, AI help SEOs focus on the thing that drive the largest significance. Utilizing insights to understand how users interact with search engines and websites. Continuing, AI is a constantly adapting and learning technology meaning that it will customize itself to your personalizations and will be able to learn and grow as time goes on.

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One Response

  1. Lecreely says:

    This post was interesting as it was something I thought about when making my post. AI as we all have seen has optimized everything online including product search, and advertisements created just for you. Through this analyzing the customers for what they want and thereby learning who they are. This is dangerous because AI is getting smarter by the day, and is predicting our every move. When AI first became popular I am assuming that many tweaks needed to be made, and they have been. Progress is progress but not all of it is safe and I can see it becoming more dangerous in many facets of our lives.

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