Hitting the Target

One of the most important parts of marketing is targeting the right market.

Let’s unpack that a little bit. Essentially, there is a specific group of people who would be interested in your product due to a set of desires, needs, or simply interest in your business. As a marketer, it is important to leverage your content to reach this group of people.

For instance, if I owned a running shoe company (perhaps called Bauer Kicks), my market would be people that would be interested in using these shoes. But there are a lot of people who could fall into this category. So how do we narrow it down to a specific target market?

Let’s assume that Bauer Kicks specializes in affordable marathon training shoes. These shoes are versatile and last for over 300 miles but they are less than $100 a pair. I need to ask myself: who specifically would have a need for these shoes? To answer this, I would need to conduct research to find my target market. A few ways that I could do this would be researching people who buy similar products, analyzing statistics about marathon runners and interviewing people who train for marathons on a regular basis.

After my research, I would collect my results and see if I can find any patterns. For instance, I may discover that many marathon runners are young adults who do not have the income to buy expensive shoes. This could be considered one of my target markets.

I could continue to research this group of people and discover more details about their habits in order to develop a more robust customer persona.

Having a target market is critical to any SEO campaign It allows you to tailor your content to the group of people who are most interested in your product. Essentially, it gives you the opportunity to optimize your content so that it would appear in the feeds of those who are most likely to engage with it.

Once you discover the target market for your product, you should optimize your content to meet their needs to succeed in SEO.

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One Response

  1. Riehljb21 says:

    finding and effectively marketing to the correct target market is so important to SEO. without it, properly running an optimized online business is nearly impossible. without proper understanding of your customers your site will likely fail to bring the amount of traffic you want.

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