The Strategic Significance of Keywords

When users enter a query into a search engine, they use specific words or phrases to articulate a need, desire, or question. Keywords are the bridge between what a user is searching for and a websites content. Through strategically placing the right keywords within your website, the likelihood of appearing within the search engine results pages (SERPs) increases significantly.

Choosing the Right Keywords

In order to rank on SERPs, your keywords need to be strategic and unique. Choosing keywords relevant to your business is not always enough, as your website will consistently be in competition to other similar businesses with an online presence. It’s important to be researching consistently through tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz Keyword Explorer. These tools can help provide valuable insights to trends, competition, etc., to help direct your selection of keywords.

Long-Tail Keywords

Short keywords are often very competitive, generic, and overused, whereas long-tailed keywords often have a lower search volume. If you are struggling to find relevant unique keywords for your website, integrating long-tailed keywords will provide more specific phrases that may not get as much search but will have a higher conversion rate.


SEO is an on-going process and it’s important to continually be monitoring your keyword performance as well as your competitors keyword performance. Pay attention to shifts in trends and be quick to adapt and change your strategy on the fly.

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2 Responses

  1. GleasonMK21 says:

    I think that it is a interesting point to make about the long-tailed keywords. Although, most people might argue that the more detailed you are the better your search is going to be, but in reality I think that the more detailed you are when searching the larger amount of irrelevant searches you could get.

  2. mlwiley says:

    Keywords are so important! They are the difference between people finding your site first or not being about to find your site at all! Choosing relevant keywords is so important. Using long-tailed keywords might be useful, but if your site ranks high using simple keywords, then you know you’re doing well in terms of performance!

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