2 Hunting for Keywords

Discovering the correct keywords for SEO is not as simple as just listing words relevant to your business or site. Proper keywords are relevant to each specific customer and the world around the business as well. This is why customer interaction is crucial to start before any attempts at sales, because no matter how good your product is marketed, trying to sell to the wrong demographic will end a venture before it even begins.

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2 Responses

  1. Lecreely says:

    Nice content, I think if the post was a little longer it would be in the sweet spot for captivating people’s attention. This is very interesting to me while diving into SEO deeper with this class. I thought a lot about this when doing my last assignment for this class, and thinking with the customer in mind is always best but there have to be some limits as the customer is not always right.

  2. gardnerer23 says:

    I really like how you mentioned the importance of customer interaction as a first step in developing an SEO strategy for a site. It’s important to understand the exact phrases customers are using to find your products, since the keywords used are often surprising!

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