3 SEO Questions You Need to Ask Yourself for Site Success

What are some frequently asked questions in SEO? Answering these five SEO questions, will help streamline your website development and make it more accessible to the user.

SEO Question #1: How do we reach our target market?

After you narrow down and research your target market, you must figure out the best avenue to reach them. What media does your typical customer consume? Which influencers do they follow? How much time do they spend on the internet? If you spend the time getting to know your target market, it will be easier to put your content in places that they will find it.

SEO Question #2: What content do your users need/want?

Once you discover how to reach your target market, you must determine what sort of content they are demanding. This can be determine by asking questions about your topic. Does your target market understand how your product works or do they need you to explain it to them? Is your target market interested in the story behind your brand or do they want to hear the testimonials of people who have had experience with your product? Developing the right kind of content is key to SEO success because consumers will be actively searching for it.

SEO Question #3: How Do Analytics Inform Our Actions?

Once you have generated a considerable amount of content, it is important to discover and make sense of how users are engaging with it. That is where SEO metrics come into play. There are a variety of metrics that can inform how you tweak current content and develop new content to optimize it for your user. What do bounce rate, click through rate, and keyword rankings mean for your website? These metrics can tell you a lot about the usability of your site as well as how the customers are responding to your content.

Answering these three SEO questions will help you to optimize your site for the most benefit to your target market and generate more engagement.

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2 Responses

  1. Kyle Hartman says:

    I agree. These are very good questions to ask concerning SEO. I did see that you said there were 5 questions but you only gave 3. Is this a typo?

  2. casteelkj20 says:

    These are good questions to keep in mind! I like how your second question asks to clarify what the end user needs. Is your website for those who don’t know anything about your content or for those who are already knowledgeable? Do you think it gets to a point where a website can’t be all things for everyone and would have to choose one end or the other? Good tips

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