#3 Local SEO

For this post, I was researching the use of local SEO versus national. I found it interesting that websites can target regions instead of national audience, but when sitting down to think about it, it made sense that smaller businesses would make sure that regionally their site would appear higher. Ways to go about this regional SEO would be localizing content to adhere to a local audience, local keywords, such as a town name or other local sites that many in the area would know, or even just involving using other local sites for back links. The idea that each website may have a different reach of audience is almost basic understanding or an obvious thought, but many tend to build their site on a national scope, when their own market isn’t national. Creating a website that helps your SERP in a region is much more important than having a lackluster national SERP rating across the board.

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2 Responses

  1. casteelkj20 says:

    This is an interesting concept. You’re right that many people think about having their results higher in general. But it’s good to keep in mind that keywords may change based on regions. For example, someone may be interested in finding out about the Pittsburgh festival, Picklesburg. So while the festival’s SEO specialist may just be using basic pickle terms, they could really focus on the terms around “picklesburg”.

  2. VahlbergCD22 says:

    Definitely something worth considering in the realm of Search Engine optimization. If your company relies heavily on in-store sales having your optimization tied to a region is hugely important.

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