How to Develop SEO Friendly Content

Content in general is critical for Search Engine Optimization, but why? Here are some reasons.

  • Content helps establish relevance for a page on a website, and search engine optimization is all about relevance.
  • The historic view is that the content was king, but that view has evolved into one where the user is king. Content based around user experience, knowledge, etc. will increase usage and understanding of your site.
  • Helps qualify a site for organic and pay-per-click results.
  • Time. Planning out what your message is going to be and how to achieve that will save time.
  • By researching what content to create, it will increase your likelihood of reaching your goals.

Since the content of a website should be centered on the user, it is imperative to gain understanding of them. By developing a clear target market to appeal to, you can then start to understand their content needs. Here are some questions to ask to really put yourself in their shoes.

  • Who is your target group (the users of your site)?
  • Why would they want to connect to your site or do business with you?
  • Are there specific keywords that they use frequently?
  • What would they need or demand regarding content?
  • What content do you need to create to meet the demands of your target market?

Content for websites is not bound to just paragraphs and words. Including interactive elements, articles, diagrams, and visual concepts can break up information nicely, while also getting a desired message across. Using images or videos can visually address the needs of your audience, and can pace the information enough to keep the user engaged.

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One Response

  1. Kyle Hartman says:

    You make a very good point about content being centered around the user. I wouldn’t be surprised if many have that content is king mentality and give what they think their audience wants instead of what they actually want.

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