Using Seasonality and SEO to Maximize Profits

Every business has a cycle of seasons that they know or they should know. Trends during certain times of the year can be determined by collecting and analyzing data based on the time of the year. Optimizing your keyword selection seasonally can lead to major competitive advantages over your competition. After selection your keywords, its time to create content. Creating content around seasonal key words can lead to an increase in views. The content should fill a seasonal need the user is looking to solve. While creating this content you should be thinking about what metatags and headings are relevant, and will help draw in users. After the content is created link building is the next important step. Creating relevant relationships with other creators can bring in a new variety of viewers. Link building will also increase the credibility of your content.

This process of SEO through seasonality is one that never ends. Seasons are constantly changing along with trends. It can be overwhelming to constantly have to update your content, but it will be rewarding in the end.

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3 Responses

  1. Lecreely says:

    Nice Post! I like the topic and reading it typed out and explained helps me understand it better because the topic of trends is very confusing to me. Trends are so hard to follow and can sometimes be the end of a particular business. I can see where SEO fits into the lifespan of trends.

  2. alexanderrj22 says:

    I really like how you described how trends change as the season changes, because people have different needs during different times. I never really thought about how the needs of people change like trends, because originally, I thought that the needs of people wouldn’t change until a solution for it was offered. But problems evolve just like everything else, and different keywords evolve along with it, so keeping on top of that would definitely be beneficial for a website.

  3. jkbauer says:

    I really like how you chose to explore this topic as it relates to the business cycle. Well done!

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