#4  Hunting Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO is the use of non-customer focused tactics in an attempt to boost search engine performance. This often utilizes very aggressive and dishonest techniques that do not provide any value to a human user.  These tactics often include the following:

  • Spammed, unnecessary keywords to make the site look like it applies to more searches. 
  • Differing user interface and bot interface to give the search engine more optimized information than the user
  • Click-bait tags
  • Extreme ad usage
  • Hacked or malicious content

Unfortunately despite efforts by search engines to guarantee quality, many black hat pages still slip through, so being able to watch for the signs is important for you to get the information you want safely and securely.

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2 Responses

  1. Kyle Hartman says:

    Thank you for addressing the dangers of black hat SEO though I think you could’ve expanded more. Also, I don’t think click-bait tags are bad if the tag applies to the webpage.

  2. Drew_Blank21 says:

    Hi there, thank you for your post. I think you bring up some good ideas in relation to black hat SEO but I also agree with the last comment in that click-bait tags are not bad if the tag applies.

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