Black Hat SEO

Through what we have discussed in class. There are several ways in which black hat SEO is done that can affect many users of the internet who especially have a site. One of those ways is called cloaking which is showing different content to users than you show to googlebot. Another way is through hacked content which affects a specific site that was created. This is a common one espcecially if you do not take the precautionary meausres to protect your site the best that you can. Moving on, the last one that I want to discuss are hidden text or links which are not easily detected by visitors can be indexed by digital agents.

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2 Responses

  1. Kyle Hartman says:

    Thanks for bringing up these black hat SEO practices but I think your post needed more organization. Next time, be sure to sperate each point in your post so that it’s easier to read.

  2. Morrowrb23 says:

    All three of the black hat SEO practices you mentioned are a sure way for the search engine to be warned and in return rank lower or block your site from users. Make sure you aren’t trying to trick the search engine or your viewers because you will eventually be caught and lose any good reputation that you may have.

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