Making a Site Mobile Friendly

Mobile friendliness is a key factor when optimizing your site for search engines, since it allows users to easily access your content from their phones. Consumers are gradually using their phones more to search the internet, shop online, and enjoy content on websites. For this reason, many search engines, such as Google, prioritize sites that are mobile-friendly.

There are a variety of practical ways you can optimize your website for mobile use:

First of all, make sure the navigation is easy to find and use to allow consumers to find your content quickly on their phones. You can do this by enlarging the navigation tab and placing it at the top of the page.

Secondly, ensure that your website is responsive. By doing so, you will reduce the amount of scrolling, panning, zooming, and confusion experienced by the user. The suggested format for website responsiveness is 12 columns (sized at 100% width of the browser) with flexible content that rearranges itself to fit the screen size. This process can be more complicated, and therefore it might be beneficial to hire a professional website developer or to use a platform like Squarespace.

Next, optimize images by including only high quality photos and graphics.

Using mostly standard fonts will make your site more mobile friendly since they are easier for users to read on small devices. Standard fonts are also compatible with HTML and CSS. For example, you can try Open Sans, Lato, or Roboto at size 16px for mobile.

Lastly, you should keep your language clear throughout the website’s content by using shorter subject lines, less text, and large CTA buttons.

By implementing these 5 tips, your website will be more mobile friendly and ready for users to enjoy!


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3 Responses

  1. Morrowrb23 says:

    It is so important to have your website optimized for every type of device that is available these days. Users will avoid sites that don’t translate well from PC to phone. It’s just an extra hassle to scroll through an interface that is confusing and not pleasant to the eyes. All the points that the article touched on seem like a great way of improving your site’s mobile friendliness.

  2. casteelkj20 says:

    You’re right, mobile friendliness is crucial for a decent website. Whenever I find a website on my phone that isn’t working or obviously hasn’t been set for a smaller screen, I immediately discredit it and go back. If a website hasn’t been set to work with changing display screens, then it is not up to date with the times in general and I associate that with subpar or outdated content.

  3. mclaughlinke21 says:

    I completely agree with the importance of mobile friendliness. It is crucial in this climate of technology to not overlook this topic, as more and more mobile users are accessing these websites on their mobile devices. If a website is not optimized for mobile use, there is a small chance that the user will then switch to their desktop to access the site.

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