How To Report Black Hat SEO

The reason you may want to report black hat SEO is either one of two reasons. We will discuss how to report these two different cases.

Virus, Hack, or Negative SEO

If your website has been attacked through a malicious virus, hack, or negative SEO campaign of spammy links, request a malware review after you’ve removed the malicious code. If your website is the target of a negative SEO campaign of spammy links, use the Disavow Links Tool in Google Webmaster Tools after you’ve attempted to contact the webmasters to have them removed.

Spam Results

You may see spammy web results on a competitive keyword your website is ranking on from time to time. You may file a webspam report through Google Webmaster Tools with discretion. SPAM doesn’t mean search positions that appear before yours and falsely reporting web spam can be considered black hat SEO.

Hopefully, this gave you a clearer insight in how to report black hat SEO in order to make the internet a better place.

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One Response

  1. Morrowrb23 says:

    It’s important to get rid of viruses, malware, and spam because you don’t want your site users to also get infected. You also don’t want it because your users will recognize the site is harmful which will give your site a bad reputation. That user would be very cautious when deciding to click back into the same website. These tools you wrote about would be very helpful in getting rid of black hat SEO.

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