The importance of header tags.

Header tags are HTML tags that serve the purpose of heading hierarchy. The tags go from H1 to H6 but usually you only need to go down to H4. It’s important to understand that the H1 tag is different from the title tag, though both should connect to each other. You are allowed multiple H1 tags per site, it’s just recommended to only have one per page.

Heading tags are very useful for users that are browsing through your page, as they easily allow you to sort and section off each part of the text. You may think that’s there only purpose, but it is not. They can also be very important in helping your site appear in more searches. Not only do headers make it easy on the user, but they also make it easy on the search engine to figure out what your sites content is all about.

You want to keep your headers short and understandable so that Google knows exactly what your content is about. If you cram too many words in, the search engine could possibly report it as spam. Adding in keywords can be beneficial if you do it in a natural way. If you can produce good and concise headers, you will be more likely to be featured in a snippet at the top of the SERP.

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One Response

  1. Kyle Hartman says:

    Thanks for the advice concerning H1 tags, especially the idea of adding keywords to the the title. Very helpful.

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