2 SEO tips to boost your website traffic

Building a great website doesn’t matter if no one is able to find and view it. Some of these tips will help search engines see your site more which will help it to rank higher. Maximizing your SEO potential will allow you to appear at the top of the SERP and lead you to your ultimate goal of getting users to your website.

Having a sitemap for your website can be very beneficial. A sitemap is a file that shows the overall structure of your site. It displays the relationship between pages and the content featured on each one of them. This is an important element to have because it allows the search engine to efficiently crawl through your website. The easier a site is to understand, the more likely it will be for it to be ranked higher. Google News actually requires a website to have a sitemap in order to be featured.

Another important aspect to SEO is having quality content and consistently adding to it. Google loves to see original content with new ideas and takes. It rewards sites for doing that and penalizes ones for copying content from another site. Adding in new blogs, articles, or products will also help you be favored by the search engines. They want to push content that will be fresh and inciteful to searchers.

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2 Responses

  1. Kyle Hartman says:

    These are good tips but I think that your post was lacking a conclusion paragraph. With that aside, this is a decent post with good advice.

  2. casteelkj20 says:

    I like the second suggestion where you mentioned to keep the content fresh. Many people may think that they can optimize a website and be done with it. Its key to remember that optimizing a website is an ongoing task.

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