Having a Hard Time Coming Up with Keywords?

Keywords should be based on your target market. Ask questions and complete research about your target audience. What age are your customers? Is it they or their parents who would be searching or purchasing the product? How do they speak? What would they search for? What terms or jargon do they use? What terms or jargon are prevalent in the industry you are in?

Use keywords that are outside of simply the product. This will help you reach people who may not be directly searching to purchase a product. Many potential customers may be searching to simply learn more about the product, how to use it, or even what it is. Although these users aren’t looking to buy, when they see your product site pop up, they may now be more interested. 

You should also analyze your competitors’ keywords. SEMrush is a great tool to use to gather tons of information about your competitors. This can give you an upper hand on your competitors allowing you to show up not only when your keywords are searched but also when your competitors pop up. 

Lastly, use tools to come up with keywords. Sometimes even after hours of brainstorming, you won’t be able to think of all the possible keywords that could help your business. Moz Keyword Explorer is an excellent helper as well as AI tools such as chatgpt.

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3 Responses

  1. Morrowrb23 says:

    Research, analysis, brainstorming, and using tools are all great ways to come up with quality keywords. If you take the time, which could be a lot of hours and days, your website will be lightyears above its competitors in terms of SEO and digital presence. Very insightful writing!

  2. Lauren Creely says:

    Nice post! This is something that is very difficult to get right on the time and I can imagine as we are making our websites for this class. Making the keywords broad but not too broad is key. SEMrush and others are very good at this and I need to use it more.

  3. lengacherka2102 says:

    I like how you divided your points into three with a hook and introduction at the beginning. Thinking with the customer mindset is really important and you gave a really good tool for doing that.

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