Amazon SEO Secrets Unlocked

Everything you need to know about optimizing Amazon listings

Ever wonder how Amazon organizes its millions of product listings? How does it decide which items should appear first on the results page? Perhaps you are considering selling on Amazon, and want to ensure that your product reaches the right consumers. Well, look no further. Here is a quick look behind the scenes at the inner workings of SEO on Amazon.

Explaining the Amazon Algorithm

The Amazon algorithm, A10, operates a little bit differently than the algorithm of a typical search engine, like Google. This type of SEO has a transactional intent – getting relevant products to people who will actually buy them. But how does it operate? The A10 algorithm takes keywords, conversion rate, reviews, and sales history into account when determining which listing should lie at the top of the results page.

Understanding Keywords

Amazon not only utilizes front end keywords in its SEO, but also back end keywords. What is the difference? Front end keywords are the ones that you use in your product listing that other people are able to read. Back end keywords are added in the keywords section of your Amazon listing but shoppers can’t actually see them. They are simply used to connect the product to relevant searches and other related products.

Choosing Your Keywords

One excellent way to utilize Amazon SEO tools is to look at the keywords of your competitors. By analyzing your competitor’s listings, you will be able to determine which keywords commonly appear with similar products and optimize them for your own site. There are a number of tools available at Semrush which allow you to more thoroughly research keywords and maximize their use in your Amazon listings.

Crafting Product Titles and Descriptions

It is crucial to optimize your product titles and descriptions because the Amazon A10 algorithm utilizes them for SEO. On the Amazon website, there are comprehensive guidelines for exactly what a product title should include. Generally, you should remember to use title case, numerals, and less than 80 characters. In the description, you can elaborate more on the details of the product. Sellers should always remember to note brand name, product size, type of material, and colors (if relevant).

Remember to keep in mind all of these tips the next time you create an Amazon product listing. Although the algorithm is a little different from a typical search engine, many of the same SEO principles apply. Creating the listing with the user in mind and providing information that you think they will need is one way to set your product apart from thousands of others on the site.

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