Will AI Replace Google?

Why do we use Google? Well, Google says it’s “easy to discover a broad range of information from a wide variety of sources”. But in normal terms, we use search engines to answer a question.

AI platforms, such as ChatGPT, answer complex questions without the extra steps of trying to find a website that actually has the right content. AI has a faster and more direct route to answering the question. When using Google, the user will search a question and sometimes they’ll get a straightforward answer. Yet, with more complex questions, they would have to click on a link and actually read through its content to find their answer.

On the flip side, ChatGPT has outdated content and cannot comment on current events in the world or updated processes. It also doesn’t provide links to websites if a user is looking for something very specific. So while ChatGPT and other AI platforms may take away some of Google’s traffic, it will never fully replace the world-leading search engine.

What I think may be the case is that Google adds a conversational AI tool for its search platform. This way users can obtain whichever answer they prefer.

To read further discussion on this topic, check out this Reddit thread, or Google it 😉

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2 Responses

  1. lengacherka2102 says:

    Excellent job using a one-liner hook at the beginning of your article. You gave good reasons why AI is and will be prevalent but will not take over Google. The post also ended with a witty one liner, and an opportunity for readers to learn more.

  2. owenld20 says:

    I think it also important to consider that Google is researching how to best implement AI into their search engine in a more traditional non-conversational format including generative AI to help answer user’s questions. Just ask Chat GPT about that 😉

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