#5 Making a Basic Page.

All the different SEO terms, tags and techniques can be really really confusing, so here is a nice example for how to optimize a basic page or post. 

1: content: make sure it’s interesting and relevant. While not the most serious topic, here we will write a page that talks about a funny looking fish. First you’ll want to figure out what all is important for you to say to provide the most meaning and context to your topic, then implement good writing skills to make it easy to read, memorable and interesting.


The lagoon triggerfish is a very funny looking fish. It is tall and thin, with a strangely shaped mouth… 

2: tags:  your title and description tags should be a good representation of the topic at hand, they especially should be interesting towards your target audience.


Title tag: What is the lagoon triggerfish and why does it look so strange?

Description tags: learn about the lagoon triggerfish and the world it lives in…

Or you can just have the description pulled from the content of your page, such as an introductory paragraph.

3: Pictures and Alt text:  Pictures are one of the most important parts of many pages, as they can give the reader better knowledge of the topic at hand by letting them see what they are reading about. However you must always add some alt text, so the pictures content can be understood by search engine bots, or users with screen readers.



Alt text:  An image of a Lagoon Triggerfish from the front. 

4: over keyword and competition research, you should modify each of these sections to match your findings with the goal of getting the most linking you can. of course, you should also avoid all the black hat practices we have discussed before, because that can only harm your site.

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One Response

  1. lengacherka2102 says:

    This is a well-made post. It was really helpful to throw the main points in bold and number them. The example picture with the alt text explanation was very helpful.

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