Making Content That Solves Problems

Nowadays, content is supreme in the digital world. Countless people utilize its benefits, like bloggers, businesses, influencers, etc. By creating the right kind of content, you can increase the likelihood of success online. But what if we didn’t use content to just meet means-to-an-end, but as a product to be a resource for other people? In this blog post we’ll cover how to create content online that solves a problem for society, and furthers your success.

First, it is imperative to always return to the WHYs of content for your audience and know what drives them to search for things. Understanding your audience and their needs can help direct you down a more specialized and detailed path toward knowing what content you should be making.

Next, be solution oriented! Whether it’s giving advice, actionable tips, or targeted solutions, try to aim for creating content in response to researched needs of your target audience.

Also, remember to be educational and encouraging with it, because the things that you say can be taken very literally. Making sure that you’re spreading correct information will build up people’s trust towards you and your content, categorizing you as a reliable source in their mind. Trust goes hand in hand with loyalty, because the more that your target audience trusts you, the more likely that are to be a loyal and come back for more.

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7 Responses

  1. holtjr20 says:

    I really like your breakdown on the importance of content. Showing clear steps as to the reason content is so vital for any website is very beneficial to anyone reading.

  2. zewarrick says:

    This is a great post. I love your comment about returning to the whys of your customers and potentially why they are searching. This is a huge reason to get to know your audience and target them! Make personas of them and think about how they act, what they want, how they might search, etc… This is a great way to make powerful content.

  3. lengacherka2102 says:

    This is a well made post. I like how you said content is king without actually saying it. Also understanding the whys is very important and I like how you focused on that.

  4. hennejv21 says:

    This is a strong post. I especially like how you mentioned that what you say has the potential to be taken literally which makes it imperative to have the true/correct information when posting content.

  5. Kyle Hartman says:

    Nice post. I especially like that you ended on the subject of trust and reliability. I would’ve liked it if you listed out the WHYs of content.

  6. owenld20 says:

    I agree that it is most important to understand your audience. If you have a fundamental understanding of who your audience is, what they need, and how to lead them to a solution then you have a solid foundation for SEO.

  7. macarthurfe21 says:

    “Why” is such an underrated question that should be asked more, and I like how you emphasized that that’s a great next step to understanding your audience and their needs. I also like how you noted that trust goes hand in hand with loyalty! Great post!

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