Black-Hat SEO – The Poison in the Cup of SEO

In today’s modern digital realm, visibility is the currency of the land. The formula is simple for business in an online world: be visible or die. This fact is no mystery to the modern day business person. They know how important it is to place online, how important it is to be found, and how crucial it is to have content that your customers can find. If you can’t be found by people searching online, there is no way to drum up business from the consumers who shop online.

So then, What is Black hat SEO? This term refers to the set of unethical and ineffective techniques used to manipulate search engine algorithms. Ultimately what this does, or what it is supposed to do, for the site utilizing these techniques is artificially rocket the websites ranking within the SERP (search engine results page). More often than not, this is an ineffective technique, a dangerous technique to the websites/business health, and proves to only make the sites utilizing this look bad in the long run.

This is not a sustainable practice, nor should it be something utilized by website designers. With the modern technology of the day, avoiding this practice is considerably easier than it used to be in prior times. So many tools make good white-hat SEO much easier, and with the updated Spyders and Crawlers of the day it becomes extremely obvious to both robots and humans when a site is utilizing these manipulative techniques.

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