Deciphering Your Target Market – One of the Great Keys to SEO Success

Ah yes, one of the greatest question is business: Who are my customers. Oh the whoas of the company that does not answer this properly. “Something for Everyone” is an automatic pathway to failure. Not picking a focus and doing it really well, but rather trying to do everything for everyone, is the key at being mediocre at everything and not having an area of expertise in business. Good business demand exclusivity, they have to. They can’t make everyone happy, and by the very nature of that will exclude some people from their mix of customers.

So then, how do you pick this target market? How do you even define who you would like to go after. Below I will paste in some simple steps that my professor handed down to me in one lecture. This is specifically for dividing the audience within your target market:

A. Product/service demand
B. Sales volume
C. Geography
D. Age groups
E. Industries
F. Roles
G. People types
H. Business problems
I. Prospective budget
*Pulled directly from professor Sweet’s class

Behold, the core features of a demographic. These lay out the outline for identifying your target users and how to ensure that you are driving the right kind of people to your site, and targeting the right group of individuals with your business. Hold to your focus, and do not try to be something for everyone.

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3 Responses

  1. mclaughlinke21 says:

    The thought of something is for everyone is such an easy trap to fall into and an important thing to avoid. Picking a target market is critical to any SEO endeavor and an important topic to bring up!

  2. Morrowrb23 says:

    Yes! Finding your target audience is such an important part of any business venture. Losing focus and trying to do too much will lead to failure. Picking the demographics that are right for your website and then choosing content and keywords that fit will lead you on the right track.

  3. jkbauer says:

    Well done! You explained the process very well. Targetting is crucial to marketing.

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