The Boston Matrix

The first time I heard this term, I honestly thought of the Boston Tea Party. I was really quite confused as to what this had to with business, especially within the realm of SEO.

So what exactly is the Boston matrix? Well, to help define this I consulted with my main resource for this brief post over at Investopedia. defines this matrix as:

The Boston Matrix uses a two-by-two matrix to classify products into four categories:

  • Dogs: Products with low market share and low growth
  • Cash cows: Products with high market share but in low-growth areas
  • Stars: Products in high-growth markets that make up a sizable portion of that market
  • Question marks: Products in high growth rate markets but in which the company does not maintain a large market share “

Essentially, what this Matrix is, is a visual tool that helps businesses take a closer look at their products, their mix of products and analyze exactly how each one of them is performing.

While this is a great tool for products, it can also be an outstanding tool for keyword research during the process of content creation. Analyzing keywords under each one of these criteria can tremendously help nail down which keywords to bid on and which ones to go after and use, and will ultimately help your business better optimize your content.

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6 Responses

  1. mclaughlinke21 says:

    Very good post Shelton! It is a simple idea but very helpful for companies to analyze their own products and services.

  2. Morrowrb23 says:

    I learned about the Boston Matrix in a marketing class and others as well. It is applied in many industries because of how useful it is. Finding keywords that are “stars” is really what you want to do. The potential that these keywords have can be very promising. Finding keywords that don’t currently have high search volumes but have the potential to would be an example of the “star.”

  3. jkbauer says:

    Very good explanation! This really clarified the concept for me even though I have learned about it before.

  4. RApetschke says:

    Great simplified explanations! Your writing is very clear, but I think that a chart of the Boston Matrix would put this post on a whole new level.

  5. macarthurfe21 says:

    I like how well you laid out exactly what the Boston Matrix is and its purpose for companies! I like the tone throughout the blog post as well.

  6. casteelkj20 says:

    When I first saw your title, I had no idea what it meant but your description tickled a memory in my brain. I learned this in some business class sophomore year. Later classes still referenced it but the name of the matrix never stuck in my mind. Great job pulling in concepts from other courses and intertwining it with SEO.

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