The Essential Role of Content in SEO

Content is the fuel for well-performing SEO. One of the biggest tips I have received regarding SEO is to prioritize making content that will benefit your users NOT content that is meant to optimize search engine rankings. In the end not only will users see this but search engines will see this and look at your site as credible.

A big part of developing good content is catching your audience’s attention. This is where meta tags, H1 tags, and other headers come into play. Word headers in a way that hooks the visitor and makes them want to read one or shop on. While doing this, however, be sure that tags are accurate and relevant to the content and don’t lead on or disappoint the visitor.

Images and videos are an essential aspect of good content. Visual components will draw people in likely more than any type of text simply by the looks. It also delivers meaningful content quickly and accurately to the user. Pairing images and videos with the right amount of text makes for great content.

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3 Responses

  1. lengacherka2102 says:

    This is a good concise article. I like how you emphasized what Sweet has talked about in class about making content for users. You also gave good examples of what you can use for content.

  2. hennejv21 says:

    I really like this article. I especially think the tip you received regarding content is extremely beneficial to successful SEO. Good work!

  3. owenld20 says:

    I think it is a bit ironic that you wrote on the importance of heading tags but there are none in your post, this is pretty funny.

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