The Power of Keyword Research

Keyword research is all too important for optimizing a website. If not done carefully, you risk optimizing words that no one searches, or even worse, the wrong people search. While it is important to have people come to your website, it is much more important to acquire those who would actually be interested in buying or consuming what your produce. Effective keyword research helps you accomplish this.

Poor keyword research can lead to two options, either optimizing keywords that no one uses, or optimizing keywords that your audience doesn’t use. Optimizing keywords that no one uses has the obvious effect of no one using it. While it seems simple, plugging in obscure words or ultra specific phrases can cause a situation where you spend hours and hours desigining many pages that no one ever sees. The alternative is plugging random keywords from page to page, which leads to unnecessary traffic from those who will never buy from you.

Effective keyword research shows you where competition is low and where keywords your audience would use are. This is subtle, yet powerful on a website. Images, videos, text all catered exactly to your search term. But yet the word isn’t jumping out into your face and drowning out the rest of the page. Take this very psot for example. Keyword research is the phrases optimized, but if you are doing research on this topic, you are sure to run into the word many times but think nothing of it. Even by adding this thought, I am able to plug one more instance of the phrase into the post and optimize it even further. This is effective keyword research and usage.

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2 Responses

  1. lengacherka2102 says:

    I liked how you mentioned that keyword research is an ongoing process. It does take a lot of time and effort, like you said.

  2. hennejv21 says:

    I like how you mentioned that proper SEO requires a “deep dive” to find specific terms as they are what is going to help improve your website’s ranking

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