Unlocking Success – Knowing the Why behind the What in SEO

Okay, so we all know SEO is important, right? Sort of in a similar way that we all know — drinking water is healthy. Now not all of us are PhD nutritionists who can explain exactly why water is the best thing for you to drink., But that doesn’t matter, we all just universally know, water is important for health. In a very similar sense, most every person knows that good SEO is important for the health of the business. That business person might not be an expert on the intricacies of SEO, but it is sort of a given, good SEO is key for success in an online world, which is ultimately how many businesses today thrive.

So then, that begs the question: How do I know what kind of content to make in an SEO optimized environment. How can I be sure that I am making the best content to suit my users and their interests within my field/business?

To that I will answer, know the WHYS behind your content. What drives them to sit down with a browser, punch out a few characters and hit “search?”

Most searching is done for 1 of 5 potential reasons:
1.) To solve problems
2.) To gain leverage of advantage
3.) To satisfy curiosity
4.) To be entertained
5.) To answer questions
*The above is quoted directly from Professor Sweet’s class

Which of these 5 reasons is your content answering? Is it doing more than one? Is it designed to be focused on one of these 5 reasons or is it scattered and random, keyword stuffed, with hopes that the google bot will raise you higher in the SERP? These are the questions to think about and answer when looking for the Why’s behind the What of content creation within an SEO intensive world.

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One Response

  1. Lauren Creely says:

    This was a very informative content-filled post! I like this post because it helps me try to wrap my brain around why we do things in SEO. When establishing a site and business in that respect as well it is key to understand why you are doing so and this post helped a lot.

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